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Check below commands. The next set…

Merge Dataframes

import pandas as pd
dfrm1 = pd.DataFrame({‘id’ : [34,22,12,13,11], ‘Name’ : [‘Abi’, ‘Aki’, ‘Anu’,’Aish’,’Mk’ ]})
dfrm2 = pd.DataFrame({‘id’ : [34,22,12], ‘Income’ : [20000, 30000, 40000]})



dfrm_lftjn = dfrm1.merge(dfrm2, on = ‘id’, how = ‘left’)
dfrm_rhtjn = dfrm1.merge(dfrm2, on = ‘id’, how = ‘right’)


Replace values in a variable

a = (“Everything will be alright”)
a.replace(“will”, “will defientely”)


Create Vector & Sample Loop

Age = [20, 24, 26, 30, 40, 55, 68]
for i in Age
Make sure print statement starts after a single space. Else Indentation error will occur.
I have shown the output by running few commands..Check it


Loading csv and checking length

import os
import pandas
cars = pd.read_csv(“mtcars.csv”)
range(len(cars)) // checking the length


We have 0 to 32 rows in the cars object.

Adding new column using loop

We have columns named gear and carb in cars. Lets create a new variable named gear+carb which will be the sum of carb for every row. cars[‘gear+carb’] = 0 //new column created initially as 0 cars //checking the new column

for i in range(len(cars)):
cars[‘gear+carb’].loc[i] = cars[‘gear’].loc[0] + cars[‘carb’].loc[0]

cars //checking finally


With this will end up python.. Lets execute the commands while we work on some projects and see how useful all these. Stay tuned for more important parts of Datascience which will be covered in upcoming posts.